Klausner Technologies, a mobile tech company with 27 patents related to “Visual Voicemail,” has filed a lawsuit against HTC for patent infringement over the MyTouch enhanced voicemail service.
Visual voicemail allows users to look at all their current voicemail messages with a graphical user interface that displays who left the message and at what time. Users can select which messages they want to hear without needing to listen through prolonged automated menus and skipping over earlier voicemails.

Ironically, HTC uses the same service on a handful of other phones and has licensed the technology from Klausner. However, the plaintiff alleges that there is no such licensing agreement in place with the MyTouch 3G.
“Intellectual property gives meaning and structure to the greatest resource of all — human imagination. Songwriters collect royalties for the songs they compose, playwrights for the plays they write and inventors for the patents they create,” said the company’s president Judah Klausner.
The HTC lawsuit complements ongoing cases that Klausner has against Motorola and Research In Motion. Apple and LG have settled similar lawsuits that were brought against them.