Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang has claimed that Apple uses the “best” technology to manufacture its Mac product line.
“Apple says to their customers: if you buy a computer from us you can be sure we have selected the best technology inside for you. That is their promise to consumers,” Jen-Hsun told Shufflegazine. ??

“Their promise to consumers isn’t we’ve selected the best technology for you with the exception of what Intel allows us to use. That’s not their promise. And that’s why I’m all Apple! At home it’s just Macs everywhere. It’s Nvidia’s technology in all of them, but I use Macs.”
Nvidia spokesperson Brian Burke added that Apple was one of the earliest adopters of the company’s GPU.
“Apple recognized the value of the GPU very early and design their products accordingly,” Burke told TG Daily. “Their reputation for providing quality products people love is well-earned and we are proud to be a part of their platforms.”
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