We first discussed the uber-mini UG802 Android-powered PC-on-a-stick back in September. As you may recall, the little system looks more like a fat flash drive than a traditional small form factor PC.
Rather than running Windows, the UG802 – powered by an ARM Cortex-A9 Rockchip RK3066 dual core processor – is loaded with Google’s Android OS right out-of-the-box.

The little mini-computer plugs directly into a HDMI port on your TV or computer monitor. It also boasts an USB port, allowing users to easily connect a mouse or keyboard.
All in all, the UG802 Android mini-PC is a sweet deal indeed. But what if you don’t want to run the stock Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) that arrives pre-loaded on the device? Well, an alternative variant recently turned up for the uber mini-PC.
Dubbed the Finless ROM 1.4, the Android variant was specifically designed to operate on the little UG802. Essentially, the ROM is pre-rooted and allows users to install and run apps (from the Google Play store and elsewhere) that require root access.
The ROM also features a stock Android 4.0 app launcher, along with a reboot app that allows you to restart the UG802 without having to unplug it. This is obviously a nice feature, especially since the unit lacks a power button.
And last, but certainly not least, the alternative ROMenables users to repartition the integrated storage and allocate 1 GB of app storage space – approximately twice as much than provided on a default UG802 ICS build. Naturally, installing the ROM will likely void the warranty.
The UG802 is available now for $69.