Haleron has taken on Apple’s overpriced iPad with an Android-powered tablet that features a 800 x 480 TFT LCD touchscreen along with a VIA 600 MHz processor.
According to BestTabletReview, the 7-inch iLet Mini HAL also includes 128MB of DDR2 RAM and a 2GB flash internal drive.

In addition, storage can be increased via two USB ports or an SD card slot that permits up to 32GB of expansion.
“The HAL has WiFi b/g, Ethernet and optional 3G through a USB dongle. It also supports ePub, TXT and HTML eBooks, AVI video, MP3 audio and JPG images as well as Word, Excel and Powerpoint files,” wrote Rob of BestTabletReview.
“Haleron claims a very nice 16 hours of active battery life with the unit with 72 hours of standby time. Finally it can play YouTube videos and several preloaded games as well.”
HAL is currently available on Haleron’s website for a very reasonable $200.