If owning an iPad doesn’t do enough of a job showing off your poser/pretentious/preppie attributes, luckily Gucci is coming out with a line of cases priced at around half the cost of the device.
That’s right: high-class fashion company Gucci is coming out with three designs for the iPad. A case made of patterned canvas will cost $230, a neoprene version will be available for $250, and the cream-of-the-crop leather-bound case will sell for $290.

Gucci retail stores in Europe and New York City will stock the cases on June 15, and for the rest of the world they’re available for pre-order now on Gucci’s Web site (and iPad storefront app).
Online orders will ship next month, and by October Gucci expects to have more designs available.
So the next time your girlfriend says she wants something with a Gucci label, you actually have a more affordable option than a $1000 handbag.