Love them or hate them, indifferent to them, whatever, Twitter’s 140 character “screams of consciousness” look like they’re here to stay.
And so yesterday Microsoft with its Bing search engine and Google with its, er, Google search engine decided separately and individually to forge a deal with Twitter to search for “tweets” in real time.
It’s completely unclear what money, if any, passed between Google and Twitter and Bing and Twitter.

It’s obviously a marriage of convenience.
Although Microsoft was the first to unveil the initiative at the Web 2.0 conference and Google announced its initiative later in the day, representatives from the bigger search engine told ABC News that it was just a coincidence and that the deal had been months in the making.
And so very soon now you’ll be able to use either Bing or Google to search for such tweet like phrases as “I’m boiling the kettle”, or “I’m washing my skivvies” or “I’m searching for boiling the kettle on Google”.