New documents that detail possible features for a new version of the iPad suggest that there will be a digital camera attached to the multimedia tablet. has reportedly found new online documentation for the iPad’s management console, the tool that corporate users can control to restrict features on their employee or client iPads.

This generally includes stuff like passcodes, e-mail, and calendar locking, similar to the way Blackberry’s software works for its large constituency of business users.
However, there’s a new addition under the list of “Available restrictions” on the iPad: “Use of the camera (can also be controlled with an Exchange policy).”
So many of these options go back and forth between the iPhone and the iPad so it is difficult to distinguish what is designated for which platform, but given that there is interest in having an iPad camera, and it would be easy enough to implement, it seems likely that such a modification would be made to a new model.
Apple Insider also notes that in April, Apple posted a job for an iPad tester that stated, “Build on your QA experience and knowledge of digital camera technology (still and video) to develop and maintain testing frameworks for both capture and playback pipelines.”
Honestly, I’ve run into enough jerks on the subway with their heads buried into their iPad when they walk onto the platform and bump into me. If people start carrying around iPads to take pictures of stuff, I may have to whack somebody.