The Droid X has just barely been able to get its name out in the market before its big brother, the Droid 2, starts making headlines and now some shoppers have gotten a sneak peak at its price tag – literally.
Engadget has posted pictures from someone who ran across a dummy unit of the upcoming phone at Best Buy, along with a $199.99 price, after a 2-year contract subsidy. The non-contract price is $599.

The Droid X and Droid 2 announcements happened almost simultaneously but with the Droid X hitting the market first, the latter phone has kind of slipped off the radar, and we get the feeling that Motorola has intentionally kept quiet about it while the Droid X continues to sell better than expectations.
With Verizon’s flagship Droid device from Motorola, it wasn’t long before that name started getting whored out. The Droid Incredible and Droid X are now available, with the Droid 2 coming soon and a Droid Mini rumored to be in the works as well. All are available exclusively through Verizon.
There are still very few details about the Droid 2 that have come directly from Verizon’s mouth, but it is known to be the very first phone to come pre-installed with Android 2.2, the latest version of Google’s mobile operation system. Among other features, 2.2 gives users the ability to turn the phone into a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot, offering seamless connectivity to the Web from a laptop or any other close-range Wi-Fi device.
With in-store displays and a marketing campaign already kicked off for the Droid 2, we should be expecting a formal launch date announcement any time now.
Until then, I’m sure Verizon is pleased with the fact that the Droid X continues to sell out everywhere, and media attention has turned to it even more as rumors of a Verizon iPhone pick up steam.