According to ComScore’s latest ranking, Google’s Android is the top smartphone operating system in the U.S., with Apple’s iPhone (iOS) weighing in at second place and RIM’s BlackBerry lagging behind at third.
Yes, BlackBerry has declined nearly 5 percentage points, dropping to 25.7% market share by the end of April 2011.
In sharp contrast, Android captured 36.4%, marking a respectable gain of 5.2%.
Meanwhile, Apple’s iPhone claimed 26%, gaining 1.3% in just three months.
Unsurprisingly, Microsoft’s mobile OS dropped from 8% smartphone use at the end of January to 6.7% by the end of April.
Similarly, HP’s Palm Web OS declined from a paltry 3.2% to an even more miniscule 2.6%.
Still, the news for RIM is especially disturbing, as it highlights the company’s stagnation and potential decline.