The restless masses – which are clearly growing tired of Apple’s notoriously closed iPhone ecosystem – have helped boost Android’s Market past the 50K app mark.
Indeed, according to AndroLib, the number of approved binaries has surged from Google’s official figure of 38,000 just a few weeks ago to a staggering 50,031.

Asad Rafi of Android Spin attributed the rapid growth of Android’s Market to the platform’s slick UI and wide range of quality apps.
“With this rapid increase in the number of applications with in such a short time period, it will only a matter of time before the Android market will cross 100,000 application mark,” speculated Rafi.
“[And Android’s Market] is gaining closer and closer to Apple App store which is currently at 189,816 applications. I think that the day is not far away when Android will beat Apple.”
Matt Brian of The Next Web expressed similar sentiments.
“Apple’s App Store officially accounts for 185,000 approved apps, a total the Android Market is still significantly far from reaching. This isn’t to say the gap isn’t closing,” wrote Brian.
“With some high profile Android mobile handsets including the HTC Incredible and HTC Evo being released in the coming months, there could be considerable growth within the Android Market as developers look to offer apps to a host of new Android handset owners.”