Amazon has unwrapped a special edition of its Kindle e-book shop and reader application for Apple’s long-awaited iPad.
The application features Whispersync technology which automatically synchronizes the last pages of a book read on other devices, including iPhones, Blackberries and Kindle e-readers.

In addition, Amazon has re-formatted its Kindle app for the iPad to fit its slim tablet size, while allowing users to fine-tune background colors and fonts.
The app also features “page turning animation,” which replicates the look and feel of turning a page in a book. Users can also choose a “basic mode” for a simple and “unadorned” reading experience.
Finally, Amazon has included its vast Kindle bookstore in the iPad app, which offers easy access to over half a million titles.
Meanwhile, the New York Times reports that Barnes & Nobles is also hard at work “completely redesigning” the company’s iPhone app for the iPad.
According to VP of digital products Douglas Gottlieb, the new app will allow readers to quickly flip through books with simple finger swipes and customize fonts in multiple colors and sizes.
Gottlieb added that Barnes & Nobles was also talking to publishers about adding multimedia to future iterations of digital books.