Google is apparently working on a new tablet that would be even cheaper than its already-cost-effective Nexus 7 device.
According to a report from Digitimes, which has connections to many sources within the overseas manufacturing industry, Google is teaming up with a company called Quanta Computer to create a version of its Nexus tablet that will retail for $99.

The 8 GB Nexus 7, which is made by Asus, retails for $199 and quickly became one of the most popular Android tablets after it was released earlier this year. There is a 16 GB version of the tablet that sells for $250.
It is also being reported that, on the other end of the spectrum, there is a 32 GB version of the Nexus 7 in the works. This would be more expensive than the current options, with a $300 price tag seeming like the likely target.
So it looks like Google wants to be able to capture every consumer no matter what their budget is. That is, as long as the budget is less than the cost of an iPad.
Google probably has a lot of trepidation when it comes to competing directly with Apple’s tablet, but in the market of $100 or $200 tablets, it has a very strong chance of being the clear winner.
After it really dominates that segment, then maybe there will be an expanion into the 10-inch tablet space, and Apple might have to watch its back then.