Barnes & Noble has decided to officially cut the price of its Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight.The device, which was unveiled earlier this year, has been reduced in price from $139 to $119, making it on par with the new Amazon Kindle models.

The Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight uses an e-ink display that makes reading easy on the eyes, preventing the strain that comes from looking at an LCD screen.
It also features a built-in light so users can keep reading at night, and don’t need to buy a bulky attachment. The device boasts 60 hours of continuous reading with the light turned on.
The price cut comes after the retailer unveiled new high-definition versions of its LCD tablet last week.
For a long time, Amazon’s Kindle was one of the hottest devices on the market. Its extraordinary battery life and the way its display was so easy on the eyes made it a true marvel in electronic books.
However, as the fervor in the tablet world started growing stronger and stronger, the online retailer shifted gears and built the Kindle Fire, an LCD tablet that is in some ways antithetical to the Kindle brand.
After all, Amazon had a whole ad campaign about how the Kindle is better because it doesn’t use LCD and it can go days and days without a recharge. The Kindle Fire is fully equipped with those apparent shortcomings.
Nevertheless, it seemed everyone was heading in the tablet direction. Barnes & Noble also seemed to abandon its e-ink Nook models for the more feature-rich Nook Color and Nook Tablet.
Both B&N and Amazon, however, continue to roll out new versions of their ereading devices, even if they do take a back seat these days.