HP is giving you one final chance to get your hands on a cheap tablet.
In other words, it has one last stack of inventory it needs to get rid of. You may know the Touchpad as the one and only WebOS-powered tablet. A mix of high expectations from HP, huge amounts of stock at stores like Best Buy, and a considerably apathetic consumer reaction led to an instant death for the device.

As a result, the tablet was slashed to prices as low as $99, not as a means of building a future user base but as a last-ditch effort to unload the piles of unsold product.
And it worked. Those $99 Touchpads were snatched up in no time, which made HP decide to sell a bunch more even though it had already given up plans to continue the Touchpad brand.
But if you still haven’t managed to take advantage of the deal – and grab a piece of novelty tablet history – HP is hoping to grab your attention for the holiday season. Beginning on December 11, a new bunch of Touchpads will go on sale through HP’s Ebay store at the same low-low prices as before: $99 for a 16 GB model and $149 for the 32 GB model.
There is speculation that this particular sale will be for refurbished models since HP likely doesn’t have a slate of new stock to sell. It’s a good alternative to those who can’t afford an iPad or even a Kindle Fire for the holidays.
Even if they are refurbished, the supply will probably be depleted quickly.