A talented Taiwanese designer by the name of Hank Chen is developing a versatile and transformative mobile handset known as the Flex Display Phone.
According to the Design Blog, the innovative device features a 5″ sliding screen to become a mini computer, allowing the user to easily send e-mails and text messages.

The smartphone also employs flexible display technology and offers a keyword-based interface on its touch-sensitive screen to facilitate easy typing.
“The gen-next cellphone apart from all the basic functions – such as Internet and video – also [includes] a GPS system for easy and precise navigation,” explained Naresh Chauhan of the Design Blog.
“The Flex Display Phone alters the size of the screen, and thus the cellphone, to work in three different modes, i.e. mobile phone, notebook and tablet.”
Meanwhile, Brad Linder of Lilliputing noted that rapidly evolving technology could make such a device possible within the next few years.
“Imagine being able to grab a 3 inch or smaller phone from your pocket to make a call – and then pull out a 5 inch display when you need to view a calendar, check your email, or surf the web.

“You could use the screen for a GPS display in a vehicle, or a space for viewing web pages, videosor [and] what have you in phone or laptop mode.”
However, Linder wondered if PC and phone manufacturers would want to develop a single that could eventually combine and replace phones, notebooks and tablets.
“[Still], I suppose they could always charge ridiculously high prices for these all-in-one portables.”