3 Smart Technologies Reshaping The Construction Industry

Today, the utilization of smart technologies on construction sites seems to be commonplace. It’s as common as seeing traffic cones on a work site. At least this is the case with jobs and construction crews that are taking on big jobs, and doing them well for clients.

Those who aren’t adopting and adapting to the changes are going to see a significant decline in the roles they are going to win, as smart technologies are essential to help crews complete them.

These are a few of the many smart technologies that are making their way onto job sites and improving workflow.

IoT: The Internet of Things

The internet of things is really anything that’s connected. Today, wearable devices are making construction crews and employees safer by utilizing GPS and tracking systems. Sensors, real-time reporting, on-site cameras, and other technologies help make worksites safer.

With plenty of moving parts, equipment, and heavy pieces on the move, this makes it easier for workers to remain efficient, know where their coworkers are, and avoid bumping into one another and causing a significant accident when working on a tremendous job with a big crew present.

The rise of data-driven technologies will continue to improve the way in which jobs unfold on big sites. And, it will help managers, personnel, and crews work together, with the real-time information and data they have at their fingertips, which wasn’t present in years past.

Autonomous Equipment

Using drones for dropping and moving equipment, or using robots to help perform automated tasks on a job site, is also becoming commonplace with many construction companies. A 3D modeling tool can capture all job site measurements, far faster than a person can.

Or, drones to visit a site to inspect it, will save a manager’s time, so they don’t have to do the work themselves. This equipment frees up the time of managers and specialists, so that they can actually work on more complicated tasks, and manage a job site.

Not have to worry about the minute, everyday details that are unfolding as they happen.

With autonomous equipment, those trivial tasks where errors were being made by people will also be reduced.

So, there are fewer miscalculations and injuries, meaning the crew is safer, they are more efficient, and they can complete their jobs a bit faster when working on a larger project.

Use of autonomous equipment will not only help free up time, but also help improve the overall efficiency on site, and improve the quality of work as well, as there are fewer errors being made along the way by construction crews.

Virtual or Augmented Reality (AR/VR)

Imagine seeing something unfold before it ever happens. The use of virtual reality sensors and equipment allows this to happen.

This is a high smart technology that construction companies can use for training purposes, and to ensure their crews are ready to undertake a new project/job before they ever step foot onto the job site to do the task or job.

 It is a great way to

• Reduce injuries and accidents

• Train without making mistakes

• Visualizing how a project will unfold, even before stepping foot on the job site

• Learning how to work in a crowded environment

• Helping personnel figure out more than one way in which they can complete a task/duty on site

There are several benefits of using VR or augmented reality to help in training and to help personnel learn what they should be doing when they are taking on a new project for the first time on a job site.

Smart technologies are necessary today, especially since more and more companies are adopting them on construction sites.

Those companies that don’t take them, are going to find it is much harder to keep up, and it is harder to complete tasks that are necessary to do a job well for their clients. Regardless of how big or how small your team is, the right equipment will help maximize efficiency on any site.

These are a few of the many smart technologies you might choose to implement into your worksite, and for your crew, if they are not already being used by your construction company for the jobs, you’re undertaking.