How Technology Has Changed the Way We Learn

Technology has developed rapidly in a short space of time, bringing with it new ways to learn, receive information and communicate. All of this has had a dramatic impact on both teaching environments and how we learn.

Getting Help is Easier

Technology means there is more help than ever just a quick search away. A custom essay writing service is just one of the online tools available. There are also forums, where people can ask professionals questions, or instructive videos which demonstrate or explain a particular topic. In addition, specialist technology for people with learning difficulties is easily accessible. An example is voice-recognition software which can help people with speech difficulties to communicate, making learning easier for them. Overall, the increasing amount of information and help available to us means that learning is more in-depth. It is also quicker as answers are available instantly.

More Collaboration

Social media is one of the major developments in technology. It has made learning far more collaborative than it used to be. Documents can be shared and edited between people and work can be discussed at any time of day. As a result group assignments are more common in the classroom than they used to be and many of them can be completed entirely online. Although group work can reduce independence, it does make learning more enjoyable and improves team work skills. Technology like social media can also reduce student’s stress levels as they are able to share their experiences and learn together, rather than feeling isolated or alone.

Interactive Learning

It is no longer necessary to spend hours studying a text book to learn. Developments in technology mean that learning has become more interactive. For young children educational online games are frequently used in the classroom. For older students, interactive e-books with video explanations are common. Other interactive elements include quizzes which give feedback for students instantly. This makes learning quicker because there is no need for the students to wait for teacher feedback.

Flexible Learning

Online tests and assessments are being increasingly used in schools, colleges and universities. This has made learning more flexible for students, and means that long distance learning is easier, because assignments can be completed when it is convenient. Assessments can also be marked online and often automatically check for issues such as plagiarism, this makes marking more accurate and the assignment process fairer as it is harder to cheat.

Learning is Constant

The huge amount of information we have access to on a daily basis means we are always learning, whether it is keeping up with the latest news or reading social media updates to learn about another culture. Technology also means that you can learn anywhere. From the moment an assignment is set students are able to complete research anywhere, at any time. Before smart phones were widely available, students would have to use libraries to complete their homework which reduced the amount of time they were learning.