Your Guide to Buying CBD Oil

CBD oil has been one of the most talked about wellness supplements in recent years. Cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, is a chemical compound that’s non-psychoactive and can be extracted in the form of an oil that may then be infused into products or consumed directly.

With so many potential benefits, it’s currently being studied more in-depth to confirm which is hype and which are legitimately backed by science, though many have already experienced positive impacts by taking it. The word is quickly spreading, in fact, you may be searching for sources now but there are some things that you need to know to ensure a quality purchase.

CBD Hemp Oil, Hemp Oil or Cannabis Oil?

Many people are confused as to the difference between hemp and cannabis oil, something that’s important to understand when purchasing CBD oil. Any hemp oil that contains less than .2% THC is considered legal, and non-medical. Hemp oil that contains over that amount, or products sold as cannabis oil, which typically contains more than 5% THC, the compound that gets you ‘high,’ isn’t legal in the UK.

There is also some confusion when it comes to products labeled simply ‘hemp oil’ vs. actual CBD oil. Legal CBD oil in the UK is derived from industrial hemp plants that have negligible amounts of THC. Depending on the manufacturer or brand, you might see products either labeled CBD hemp oil or CBD oil but they are generally the same thing. If a product is labeled ‘hemp oil,’ it’s a nutritional supplement made using hemp seeds and does not contain CBD which means it does not offer the potential therapeutic properties as CBD oil.

The Reputation of the Source

Utilizing high quality hemp to extract CBD oil is an essential factor when it comes to the highest quality results. As cannabis can vary significantly when it comes to quality, the best suppliers search for the purest products to produce their CBD oil. Hemp must be grown under the right conditions and properly cared for. It’s a bioaccumulator, which means that it pulls from the soil – at the same time, the plant will be pulling up any chemicals that may have been used in the growing process. That’s why it’s so important to look for oil sourced from hemp that’s grown without the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers.

Proper Testing

It’s essential that hemp oil be tested properly to confirm for potency and check for any impurities. Testing also ensures that the among of CBD you see on the label is exactly what’s in the product. It also confirms that the legal level of THC, .2%, is not exceeded. You should be able to view the results of testing in the form of a certificate of analysis, or COA. A reputable source tests consistently and should have one that is recently available to anyone who requests it.

Watch for Red Flags

Scammers often use social networking sites like YouTube or Facebook to search for less savvy consumers. They may appear quite plausible and might even claim to be a company made up of medical professionals or use words like ‘cure’ to describe the abilities of their product. However, that’s very misleading. Scammers typically sell fake or low-grade CBD oil that’s never been tested in a lab, which means buying it is like throwing your hard-earned money away.

For quality CBD oil at a fair price check out CBDOilBase