5 Stress Relieving Tips for College Students

College life is far from being relaxed and easy. After spending all your lives in the comfort of your homes, making the transition into college life is surely daunting. Apart from being burdened academically, there are several other social, financial and emotional causes of stress such as living away from home, managing expenses and making new friends among many others.

What’s important to understand is that none of what you’re experiencing marks the end of the world and when in stress, you must take one day at a time to avoid getting overwhelmed.

Don’t let responsibilities and expectations prevent you from enjoying this phase. Here are 5 tips to help you combat stress and live a better life –

Get Organized

Organizing one’s life is highly underrated, but the truth is that by focusing on organizing your life, you can cut down on a lot of stress. Whether it’s organizing your assignments or just planning every day – time management is essential as it boosts productivity and efficiency.

So, avoid procrastinating and begin every day with a plan. You are sure to see a decrease in stress levels, allowing you to tackle every task with fervor and a calm mind.

Seek Support

Many college students hesitate to ask for help. They either fear being judged or feel they can find a solution on their own. Get this straight – there is nothing wrong in asking for help and seeking support if you feel stuck, emotionally, academically or otherwise.

For instance, if you have an important college essay to submit and are unable to do justice to it, instead of submitting half-hearted work and taking a hit on your grades, why not ask for fast writing help from expert writing services?

Similarly, if you are experiencing emotional pain, reach out to a trusted confidante or a professional counselor to get emotional support.

It is important to ask for help when you need it, tackle the issues and move on before it impacts your mental health.

Take a Break

You are not a robot. Just like everyone else, you deserve to take breaks, relax and unwind. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Go out with friends, pursue your hobby, take a vacation, learn a new skill – it’s important to give yourself time to rejuvenate and do something that you love. When you indulge in activities that replenish your soul and relax your mind, you will notice a rise in productivity and motivation levels.


For many college students, meditation sounds complicated but in reality, it just boils down to focusing on your breathing.

You will be surprised to know the difference meditation can make in your life. It is a serious stress buster, improves concentration and improves your overall physical and mental health.

You can either begin your day with meditation or do it before going to bed. Just focus on your breathing and let your thoughts come and go before you find yourself completely immersed in the present moment.

Meditation isn’t tough. What’s tough is doing it every day so keep at it and make it an integral part of your lifestyle.

Sleep Well

“Sleep? I don’t have time for that!” – if that’s what you’re thinking, you need to bring a change in your sleeping habits.

Our bodies need rest and 7-8 hours of sleep is extremely essential to stay alert and productive throughout the day. So, irrespective of the workload, never compromise on your sleep. Establish a sleep routine, go to bed everyday at the same time and most importantly, keep your gadgets far away from the bed in order to get quality, uninterrupted sleep.

Author Bio –

Adela Belin is the Head of Digital Marketing at Writers Per Hour. She creates content surrounding marketing with a focus on social media and digital marketing. Feel free to contact Adela on LinkedIn.