While there are many memorable characters in X-Men, Wolverine was clearly a star making role for Hugh Jackman, who really brought the character to life.
It was a great, star is born moment when the first X-Men movie finally came out, and Jackman stole the show, and it’s certainly no surprise he’s gotten his own movies as well.

While the quality of the X-Men movies really went downhill after the second film, Wolverine is going to be back again, which the Hollywood Reporter tells us will shoot this August in Sydney, Jackman’s country of origin.
James Mangold, who directed the Johnny Cash biopic Walk the Line, will be directing the film.
According to the Reporter, the new film – The Wolverine – will provide a lot of work down under, including 720 jobs for crew people, and 1,200 gigs for actors.
Jackman said he “couldn’t be more excited to return to Australia to film the next chapter in the Wolverine saga. It will be great to work with the highly talented crew and to provide employment opportunities to so many people across all levels of the industry.”
The Wolverine is slated for a July 2013 release, and in addition to James Mangold directing, the film has a screenplay by Christopher McQuarrie, who also wrote The Usual Suspects, and Mark Bomback, who penned the new reboot of Total Recall, Live Free or Die Hard, and the big screen version of 24, which may or may not get made if Fox and Keifer Sutherland can come to an agreement on money and scheduling.
In any event, here’s to hoping with this caliber of talent involved the next Wolverine flick will really deliver next summer.