After the recent announcement about Captain Planet being brought to the silver screen by Cartoon Network, it’s no surprise that yet another classic cartoon show (from a slightly earlier era) is getting similar treatment.

Yes, Relativity Media at SDCC confirmed they are moving forward with production of a
film, for which they secured the rights
. Voltron has just seen a recent resurgence of interest, just this year as Voltron Force debuted on Nickeloden to their biggest debut audiences ever.
Reletivity Media, however, only has rights to adapt the original Voltron cartoon, so none of the new elements introduced by Nicktoons will be in the film.
That original story is based heavily on early Japanese fighting mecha Manga and anime, and features five young people chosen to pilot five special, lion shaped space-fighters.
Each episode, when they would get into trouble, they would activate the special power of the five-lion team: the ability to merge their fighters into the bipedal battle-mech Voltron, who had more power that the sum of the individual liops, but which required extra teamwork to control.
Voltron is being produced by Atlas Entertainment’s Charles Roven (who helped produce The Dark Knight) and Richard Suckle, along with Kickstart Entertainment’s Jason Netter. World Events Productions’ Ted Koplar (who has also been working on the new cartoon) is executive producing.
“For nearly three decades, Voltron has captured the minds of a nostalgically loyal and rabid fan base and has long been considered a hotly-pursued project.” said Tucker Tooley, Relativity Media’s President of Worldwide Production.”
“We are beyond excited World Event Productions and Atlas Entertainment have placed their trust and faith in Relativity to bring this coveted property to the big screen, and usher in a new generation of devoted fan… With Chuck and Richard’s experience producing tentpoles, they are the perfect producers to bring this potential franchise to theaters.”
“I know there’s been a lot of rumors and speculation about this movie,” added Suckle, “So it’s great to finally confirm to all the Voltron fans everywhere that we’re coming for them.”