An outraged Verizon employee known as “Wade” recently announced that he was “drawing a line in the sand” against unqualified “criminals” masquerading as security researchers.
“It’s far too easy for anyone who has anything to do with information security to be labeled (by themselves or by others) a ‘security researcher’ without regard to their behavior,” frothed an obviously agitated Wade.

“Ugh; we really need to clean up our language. This begins with setting a few principles and regularly using more accurate descriptors in our publications and daily conversations.”
And why exactly does this matter, you ask?
Well, it is apparently a matter of “principal” for poor, misunderstood Wade.
“One is either part of the problem or part of the solution,” he insisted.
Uh huh. A bit simplistic, don’t you think?
Apparently not for Wade.
“Problem-makers and solution-makers should no more have the same label as terrorists and engineers. Sure, they both interact with explosives in their daily business but they put their skills to vastly different uses.”
A dubious analogy, indeed! But wait, it gets even better!
“If you too are tired of seeing criminals elevated to a podium of legitimacy and bestowed the same job title you possess, join us. We’d be grateful to have the company.”
Thanks, but no thanks, Wade. Count me out of your desperate recruitment scheme. You see, I’d rather not label or disqualify individuals simply to alleviate your rather obvious feelings of insecurity.
Pardon the pun, of course.