This week’s Doctor Who wasn’t a myth-arc episode, but it still had some interesting details.
I wasn’t fond of this story for the first half of the episode. The mystery was too mysterious, but the resolution was too predictable. It wasn’t until the doctor began to actually put it all together that it became enjoyable. Perhaps I just don’t have as much fun with the stories when the Doctor is confused. I like it better when he seems to know what’s going on, or at least think he does, the entire episode.
Also there was the small breadcrumb, which threw me off because I thought it was supposed to be part of this episode, but it turns out to be a very small clue to the myth-arc, dropped in the middle of a monster-mystery episode. It sort of reminded me of Rose’s Bad Wolf story-line, where something small and seemingly insignificant would pop up in the middle of another episode.

Rory and Amy are sleeping in the magazine of a 17th century cargo ship, when a groggy Amy wakes up to see that a woman is looking at her through a rectangular port in the wall of the hold.
The woman says “It’s fine. You’re doing fine. Just stay calm.” Then the port closes, and Amy dismisses it as perhaps part of whatever dream she just woke from.
The woman is middle aged, and sports a steel eye-patch. She’s standing against a pure-white background, seemingly in a clean-room, which suggests some kind of laboratory.
When she appeared the first time, in the second episode, I dismissed it as just a creepy part of the creepy orphanage. The fact that the portal appeared in a door, made me think it was some-kind of ghostly illusion, looking back to some earlier part of the orphanage’s history.
Now it seems much more sinister. Is Amy trapped in some-kind of experiment that she doesn’t remember? Does it have something to do with the presence of The Silence?
It almost seems like she stops remembering the woman when she’s gone, similar to the way everyone forgets The Silence. If it is a kind-of experiment, how long has she been trapped there, and why? Is it related to her Schrödinger’s pregnancy?
Seems we need to watch closely in the upcoming episodes for the answers.
Next week’s episode, The Doctor’s Wife, was written by Sci-Fi veteran Neil Gaiman, and just for that will likely be one of the best yet. Hopefully it also answers some more questions about this season’s mysteries.