San Francisco (CA) – Nielsen has proclaimed the Xbox 360 to be the ‘most active console’ amongst US gamers. Although the PS2 and 360 are currently ‘neck and neck’ in terms of minutes played per month, a six-month trend indicates that the Xbox 360 has taken the lead with the highest active users.
“More Americans are playing the newer consoles. Current generation consoles, such as Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii, made up 50% of total share of minutes in June 2009, while last generation consoles, such as Xbox, PS2 and Gamecube, made up only 31% of total minutes,” the ratings company explained in a statement. “Use of older gaming consoles (PS One, Atari 2600, Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis, etc) made up the 19% balance of usage minutes for the month.”

Nielesen also reported that total console usage minutes increased by 21% to 768 minutes in June 2009 compared to the same period last year.
In addition, the company noted that the PlayStation was likely to be more gender neutral in comparison to other consoles. However, the Xbox 360 continued to “skew more male,” while the Wii tended to “skew more female.”