As if we didn’t have enough rubbish to watch on TV, we may soon be treated to a sitcom based on Steve Jobs and his huge ego.
A pilot episode of iCon [*Snort* -Ed], written by the Fake Steve Jobs himself, Dan Lyons, and developed by Borat and Bruno director, Larry Charles, will be aired to gauge interest for a full blown iSeries by Media Rights Capital, who is working with cable channel EPIX.

According to the press release, we’re all to be treated to “nothing less than a modern Citizen Kane,” and a “scabrous satire of Silicon Valley and its most famous citizen.”
Not at all ambitious then.
It won’t be all about Apple, though. MRC says “the show will lampoon the larger hi-tech world” too, “a savage satire, a study of ego, power and greed.”
Sounds neat-o.
And speaking of ego, power and greed, it’s interesting to note that MRC is partially owned by both Goldman Sachs and AT&T.
Can you say iRonic?
Apple isn’t commenting, but it will certainly be interesting to see how the notoriously grumpy, control freak Jobs will react to his caracaturization and the potential for ridicule and abuse that will entail.
If Jobs is smart, he’ll let it all play out and possibly even make the series available on iTunes, but the more likely result will be a flurry of legal beagles working on behalf of Apple to ensure nothing past the pilot ever sees the light of day.