Sony will reportedly begin production of its next-gen PlayStation 4 console by the end of 2011.
According to DigiTimes, the Japanese-based corporation will have its Taiwan-based partners kick off manufacturing of the PS4, which is expected to boast “body movement-based control” similar to Microsoft’s wildly popular Kinect platform.

The PlayStation 4 – which could launch sometime during 2012 – is slated to be assembled by Foxconn and Pegatron Technology, with planned (initial) shipment volumes pegged at some 20 million units.
It should be noted that earlier reports suggested both Microsoft and Sony would launch a new console cycle in 2014 – some two years after Nintendo moved forward with its (oft-criticized) Wii U.
“Both MS and Sony are telegraphing to each other that they’re delaying, to milk the current [generation] and fill in previous craters better,” explained an inside source.
Other sources confirm the above-mentioned 2014 date, although they emphasize Sony and Microsoft could debut new consoles in 2013 if they feel “pushed.”
“I think we’ll see a game of chicken between Sony and Microsoft,” M2 Research analyst Billy Pidgeon opined.
“Sony definitely isn’t launching a successor before 2014 and could stand to benefit by having Microsoft launch first as PS3 builds in to North America and builds a strong position in Europe. Microsoft claims there’s a lot more room in Xbox 360 for developers to max out, but here PS3 could have a strong advantage.”