The bulky Polaroid camera – like bell bottom jeans and leg warmers – has (thankfully) been relegated to the trash heap of embarrassing fashion faux pas.
But the name is about to become cool again, as Polaroid Eyewear prepares to launch a new generation of curved 3D glasses.
That’s right!

So forget about wearing spectacles that make you look like a pathetic stunt double from a late night Revenge of the Nerds re-run.
Yes, the groovy spectacles will be distributed in conjunction with RealID to movie theaters and cinemas, eye care professionals and other retail outlets.
And, of course, Polaroid Premium 3D Eyewear is slated to be compatible with all RealD 3D enabled movie theaters around the world.
“This endorsement from RealD recognizes the high quality of our 3D lenses,” explained Polaroid Eyewear president Andy Suszko.
“[This is] made possible only by our unique, patented ThermoFusion technology, the same tech used to make our linear polarized lenses for the highly successful sunglass collections we sell worldwide.”
According to Suszko, Polaroid Eyewear’s launch collection will feature a wide range of “appealing designs,” in addition to (finally!) a prescription lens option.
“All styles feature Polaroid Eyewear’s unique 3D formed lenses, differentiating the product from standard 3D cinema glasses provided at theaters and similar products currently available on the market.
“The product is also fully UV-protective so that a consumer can choose to wear the product outdoors without risk of UV damage,” he added.