An Nvidia spokesperson, reacting to another story on TG Daily, told us that 3D gaming was a hot “reality” which had been warmly embraced by the multiplayer community.
“3D gaming is definitely hot, yes! But we at Nvidia have been actively promoting other forms of the standard, including 3D web browsing and YouTube videos,” Bryan Del Rizzo told TG Daily. Bryan is reacting to these comments in a previous article on the site:
“EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich has told TG Daily that the multiplayer community will likely ignore the hype and adopt a wait-and-see attitude towards 3D gaming.
“I don’t see 3D being well received amongst the gaming community for [titles] with a heavy emphasis on multiplayer. The most hardcore of gamers don’t play Call of Duty for its visual appeal, they play to satisfy their competitive urge or their satisfaction of unlocking new skins, weapons, and accessories,” said Divnich.”
“Clearly, 3D as a medium is going to become all pervasive. We think it is the future of entertainment. And 3D has already been warmly embraced by the multiplayer community at events like Blizzcon and PDXLan which was recently held in Portland.
“Nvidia went all out for the event, with 3D Vision, 3D panels and incredible sound. It was basically an extension of what we did at CES. I have to say, the gamers loved it and ate it up – because 3D Vision offers a much more immersive experience than your typical 2D.”
However, Del Rizzo conceded that 3D, while more realistic and immersive, may not be welcomed by everyone.

“Yes, it is true, some people just don’t like wearing the glasses – whether in a movie theater or at home. They might say, ‘I don’t want to put on those glasses, it will make me look dorky.’
“Well, I always point out that yeah, you don’t want to wear the glasses, but you have no problem strapping on a nerdy guitar and playing Guitar Hero.”
“Of course people would prefer not to put on a pair of glasses and we will definitely get to the point where they aren’t needed. But in the meantime, glasses – specifically active shutter glasses – are required.
“They provide the best experience for 3D, including Blu-ray. Those who wear them in the theater should have no problem putting on a similar pair at home.”
Del Rizzo explained that Nvidia’s ultimate goal was to bring realistic and immersive 3D entertainment to consumers at a price point they can afford.

“It is obvious that expectations for 3D radically changed after James Cameron upped the ante with Avatar. So, now the industry has to get to the point where both hardware and content are capable of delivering a comparable experience at home.
“That is where Nvidia comes into the picture. We know the holy grail of 3D entertainment is affordable price points and a game or movie that makes the viewer/player sit up and truly say ‘wow.’ And that is why we are working with developers to help achieve that goal.
“In essence, we want people to get excited about 3D because it is better, not different. And they are, because it definitely is, right now in 2010.”