Since its inception, the gaming community has spent many sleepless nights wondering when someone would succeed in taking the controller-less Kinect to the next level.
Well people, your prayers did not go unheard! That’s right, we now have a bona fide Kinect sex game thanks to the talented devs at ThriXXX 3D.
A representative for ThriXXX commented today saying, “The open-sourcing of device drivers for Kinect have enabled the…device to be used directly from connected PCs operating on Windows 7…The Kinect interface provides another exciting interface option for users of the sex simulation software to control the experience in extraordinary new ways.”

The game allows players to manipulate hand movements on screen, which could be used for a whole bunch of interesting things that we’ll leave to your imagination.
Although the game is currently all about hand movement, the company promises future developments for 2011 like full body and hand gestures, voice commands, and real world sex toy objects like vibrators to control interactions in-game between two active participants.
Bow chicka wow wow…
ThriXXX explained, “Controller-free is the next generation of game user interfaces, allowing users to use gestures, spoken commands, or objects to control in-game action that creates a completely new sex game activity and magical experience.”
Whether or not the experience will be magical can be left up to players. The idea of the virtual sex world does indeed exist in games like Utherverse but the hands free aspect of the Kinect brings the current technology to a whole new level.
Since hackers figured out how to manipulate the Kinect, the major question that arises is whether or not Microsoft will squash these types of projects like games. Kyle Machulis of Slashdong notes, “There’s been some question about whether you can use the Kinect in commercial projects.”
ThriXXX’s Brad Abram, VP of business development admits to CNET “We do not have permission from anyone on any of this stuff, and have been using stuff from the hacker community to do a working prototype, following what [is] going on in that world.”
Abram goes on to mention that the company does not sell at retail and therefore has no need for game ratings. He adds, “Everything is done offshore in Europe, where [Microsoft] is being lambasted by the courts for [anti-competitive] behavior. If we have to, maybe we would give it away for free as part of the open-source community efforts, but we don’t know yet where any of this will lead.”
Of course, only time will tell if Microsoft comes down on these commercial projects or tries to squash the open-source community’s efforts.
But until that time, we have Kinect porn, so yay! [[Kinect]]