Microsoft has yet again paid money to keep third-party content in its court
PS3 owners have gotten pretty used to this by now, but it doesn’t make the sting any less impactful – Microsoft and Bethesda have apparently signed a deal that will make extra downloadable content for the holiday hitting multi-platform Fallout: New Vegas available only on the Xbox 360 platform.

“We’re excited to continue the partnership between Bethesda and Microsoft, and build on the success of the game add-ons released for Fallout 3 on Xbox Live,” said Bethesda VP Pete Hines.
In other words, PS3 gamers are getting snubbed. Again. They faced the same issue with Fallout 3, as well as a littany of other games including Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto.
The Xbox 360 DLC for Fallout: New Vegas will be available in time for the holiday season.
Bethesda didn’t preclude the notion that future DLC might come out for the PS3 or PC, but certainly didn’t confirm the idea either. Fallout 3 did eventually get some DLC out to other platforms, so it’s unlikely PS3 and PC gamers will go throughout the life of the game without some sort of extra content.
Financial terms of the deal between Microsoft and Bethesda were obviously not revealed, but it must be pretty generous to Bethesda because there are plenty of other gamers out there who would gladly pay for the DLC content.