Sure, we’ve all seen hard-core elitist gamerz take cheap potshots at console-based FPS titles. But could they be right?
Well, Martin Hollis, the director and producer of N64 FPS classics such as GoldenEye and Perfect Dark, believes there is a clear “lack of innovation” in (current-gen) console first person shooters.
“I feel that the consoles have lost ground and momentum [in the] FPS [genre],” Hollis told

“Nowadays, the interesting things that are happening for FPS tend to be for PC, and that has a different culture. It [also] has different styles of gameplay, [as well as] different core mechanics and semi-core mechanics.”
According to Hollis, the [console] FPS experience differs significantly from that of the PC – as it is a “very solitary” one.
“[Yes, true], there’s online, but that’s [still] a kind of solitary. I think the genre’s moved away from that idea of getting people together in a room, more towards, more of an Xbox experience – [and] I think that’s a great shame.
“I have to admit that when I look at FPS games, I’m always looking for innovation, and I don’t tend to be that excited by what people have done. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was retrograde, but there’s an awful lot of things that I’ve seen that aren’t really that new,” he added.