It’s a symbolic move demonstrating the Blu-ray 3D format is ready to stand on its own two feet.
Universal Studios’ Blu-ray 3D exclusivity deal with Panasonic has apparently expired, and as a result it will bring out its movie Coraline, previously only available through Panasonic 3D purchases, to everyone with a 3D TV.
Heretofore, it someone wanted the animated flick on the 3D format, they would need to have a Panasonic 3D TV or a Panasonic 3D glasses bundle, because the TV manufacturer had the exclusive rights to the product’s distribution.

However, Universal will make the movie available to everyone on January 4. So expect those high-priced Ebay auctions for Coraline Blu-ray 3D to disappear pretty quickly.
This is hopefully good news for other movies that were tied in with similar exclusivity offers. Monsters vs Aliens, Avatar, and How to Train Your Dragon all received similar deals as well.
The Blu-ray 3D format is finally starting to grow legs, as numerous titles are now appearing with the new stereoscopic 3D standard. It is still somewhat confusing to consumers to understand exactly how they can watch a 3D movie.
You need a 3D TV, a pair of 3D glasses designed specifically for that TV’s manufacturer (or a pair of newly-available universal glasses), any brand of Blu-ray 3D player, and a specific Blu-ray 3D movie.
Previously released “3D” movies on Blu-ray are not tuned to the stereoscopic 3D format but instead usually come with anaglyphic red-and-blue 3D glasses.
Yeah, it’s confusing.
There’s no word on whether or not any special 3D features will be available for this, or if it will be the exact same version as was packed in with Panasonic 3D products. It looks like the latter will be the case.