If you’re a geek, then you know what’s going on this week. Comic-Con is the annual meeting of comic book and video game fans, and just nerds all around to San Diego. Here’s a smattering of the video game news that’s making headlines.
First off, the biggest announcement on the business side of the industry is that former Red Sox pitcher and TomTom GPS voice superstar Curt Schilling has launched a new video game studio and unveiled its very first game today. Kingdons of Amalur: Reckoning was displayed for the first time, scheduled for release next year.
The development company, 38 Studios, first began to form in 2009 but is just now able to show off an actual product for consumers. The game will be available on the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.
Next up is Tron: Legacy, a next-gen overhaul to the handful of Tron video games that came out for systems like the Atari when the cult classic film originally came out in 1982. The new game is timed to correspond with the new Tron movie set for theaters in 2011.
In a panel that included the original film’s star Jeff Bridges, it was hinted that the original Tron will probably be remade “in some pretty exciting formats very soon,” according to a live blog report from Cinema Blend. Sounds intriguing…

Finally, one of the biggest pieces of news related to one of the most popular video game franchises among comic geeks: Marvel vs. Capcom 3. The game’s publisher Capcom announced ahead of Comic-Con that comic book hero Thor and Capcom character Amaterasu, from the ame Okami, will be added into the latest version of the series, set for a spring 2011 launch on PS3 and Xbox 360.
With E3, the industry’s biggest video game show of the year, just wrapping up last month, there were not cataclysmic video game announcements expected, and they didn’t surface. However, for comic book and corny movie fans, there’s some good stuff that was announced.