Capcom has confirmed plans to resurrect a number of classic titles for the PSP and PS3.
“To help rekindle your burning flame of Capcom love, we have plans to release some serious classics for the PS3 and PSP,” a Capcom developer named Ryan wrote in an official blog post. “These are games that I fell for when I was just an impressionable youth.”
According to Ryan, the list of ported games will include:
– Mega Man Powered (UMD Legacy)
– Dino Crisis (PlayStation Legacy)
– Powerstone Collection (UMD)
– Mega Man Maverick Hunter X (UMD)
– Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation)
– Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (UMD)
– Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (UMD)
– Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (PlayStation)

Ryan also noted that Capcom Puzzle World had “cleared its last hurdle” and would be included as a UMD Legacy title.
“For those fans who may be new to legacy titles, jump in! A UMD Legacy game can be downloaded from a PS3 to a PSP, where it is fully playable as a purely digital experience. The PSone classics can be downloaded to the PSP for on-the-go Dino Crisis, as well as being playable on the PS3 itself,” added Ryan.