Call of Duty: Black Ops will be one of the most popular games to get the 3D treatment when it goes to the PS3 next month, setting what could potentially be a very important start to the industry of 3D games.
What’s even more important is this game will be available in 3D on all the platforms it’s being released on – PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. The only current games that are in stereoscopic 3D are a handful of downloadable games on the PS3, as well as the PlayStation Move game EyePet.

Microsoft has said the Xbox 360 is capable of running 3D graphics, but it won’t actively push for or develop 3D games itself. For the PC crowd, users will need special Nvidia 3D glasses as a 3D computer.
Developer Treyarch’s Jay Puryear said of Black Ops, “There’s just enough 3D to really make it pop, but not enough to where you are trying to figure out, ‘Where am I supposed to look?'”
A good handful of stereoscopic 3D video games are slated to be available by spring of next year, but most of them will only be on the PS3. This is the first really big title to go cross-platform.
It’s also one of the most ambitious. Current offerings and announced 3D games are mainly racing, casual, and platformer games. But a game like Call of Duty is where the new standard could earn its keep.
Added Puryear, “The difference for us in playing a traditional non-3-D vs. a 3-D is the immersive nature of what it’s going to offer you. We didn’t add anything as far as content. It was just a matter of ‘Was it going to work or was it not going to work?'”