If you had a snazzy brand new 3D TV and an expensive Blu-ray 3D player, what’s the number one movie you’d want to watch? Avatar? Unfortunately for you, it’s pretty exclusive right now.
In fact, if you don’t own a Panasonic 3D TV, there’s no official way for you to get a copy right now. Panasonic was able to nab exclusive rights to the Blu-ray 3D version of the amazing 3D blockbuster, no doubt in exchange for a whole ton of cash.

Of course, Avatar will be a big holiday seller for everyone. Whether it’s the special edition DVD set, new collector’s edition Blu-ray movie, or the standard no-features version, it’ll be flying off the shelves. But not if you want the 3D version.
So, if you have a 3D TV from Samsung (the market leader in 3D), Sony, Vizio, or anyone else, other than Panasonic, you’ll have to turn to Ebay. They’ve been selling for around $300 – $350, though some lucky buyers have been able to grab one for as “low” as $250. Remember, we’re talking about a Blu-ray movie here.
If you really don’t want to hassle with Ebay, the only other option is the Panasonic 3D Full HD Ultimate Pack, which is coming out soon and will pack in a Panasonic Blu-ray 3D player, two pairs of 3D glasses, and a copy of Avatar Blu-ray 3D. The Blu-ray 3D player can be used with any 3D TV, but not the glasses. They’re tuned to only work on Panasonic sets.
So, basically, you’d buy the bundle for the Blu-ray player and the movie. This carries a retail price of $400.
The studio behind Avatar has said this exclusivity deal is not permanent, but there is no disclosure on how long it will last, or what the terms are for extensions of the deal.