Electronic Arts says that Battlefield 1943, the download-only first person shooter game will be released on the Xbox Live and PlayStation Network next week. Xbox users can download on July 8th, and those on the PlayStation network can download beginning July 9th.
Available for $15 (or 1200 MS points) the title will save you money when you consider the cost of games sold in stores, and if you’re not into virtual play for your console don’t fret, Electronic Arts has every intent to release the game for PCs in September.

The multiplayer game will be able to host up to 24 players each match, over two game modes and four maps. Players will enjoy a step back in time, playing as World War II soldiers shooting one another in famous places such as the Coral Sea (a hidden fourth map which can be unlocked once the community has reached 43 million kills on either platform), Wake Island, Iwo Jima, and Guadalcanal.
“Coral Sea is designed to showcase the intense battle in the skies, offering an all-new Air superiority game mode,” said EA in a statement. “The legendary WWII action this map provides will have players dog fighting in this airplanes-only map, proving once again DICE delivers on a first class online vehicle warfare experience better than anyone else.”