Apple has debuted a redesigned set-top box at a sweet $99 price point.
The latest iteration of the device offers users the ability to rent and stream a large selection of HD movies ($4.99) and TV show episodes (99 cents) from ABC, ABC Family, Fox, Disney Channel and BBC America.
The commercial free set-top box also streams content from Netflix, YouTube, Flickr and MobileMe, as well as music, photos and videos from PCs and Macs to your HD TV.

In addition, Apple TV boasts integrated HDMI, Wi-Fi, Ethernet and an internal power supply in a slick enclosure that’s less than four inches square.
Users can also control Apple TV with their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch using the Remote app – available as a free download on the App Store.
As expected, Apple TV set-up is quick and easy with a single HDMI cable connection.
Simply connect the device to your HD TV, join a Wi-Fi network and click the seven-button aluminum Apple Remote.
Not bad, not bad at all!