San Francisco, Calif. Apple has finally approved Manomio’s Commodore 64 emulator for the iPhone. However, the retro company was forced to drop BASIC support after Club Cupertino rejected the application for violating the iPhone SDK Agreement (3.3.2).
“The road was bumpy, but we remained persistent and made the changes Apple was looking for. Ultimately, BASIC has been removed for this release; however, we hope that working with Apple further will allow us to re-enable it,” Manomio explained in a statement. “Despite it’s absence, BASIC is not our focus, ultimately fans of the C64 want games.”

The company also confirmed that it was working on additional titles that will be available as a free or paid download.
“These game packs will have an option to activate in the C64, and become visible on your game shelf. We’re extremely excited about the release, and hopefully the experience and 5 bundled games will whet the appetite of retro fans as we get to work on more titles,” added Manomio.

Apple’s iTunes currently offers a number of emulators, including programmable calculators and a Z-machine interpreter known as Frotz. Nevertheless, the company recently banned a Nintendo DS simulator developed by ZM2 Dev.
The disputed application – dubbed Double Sys – reportedly acted as a “handheld game console” by simulating the DS OS.
See also
Nintendo claims credit for Apple DS simulator ban
Apple bans Commodore 64 emulator for the iPhone