The Matrix was an incredible new vision when it dropped in theaters in 1999. Two lackluster follow-ups came after, and the Wachiowskis never regained their footing. Should they go back to the Matrix?
Well, apparently there may indeed be another trilogy. Now as everyone’s saying right now, take this kind of stuff with a grain of salt because internet rumors are often false, but according to Latino Review, a new group of Matrix films may indeed be in development with the Wachiowski Brothers.

If reports are true, we get the impression the Wachiowskis may want to make up for a lost opportunity with the sequels that didn’t deliver. According to Latino Review, the Wachowski’s may be in writing mode on this, and Warners may be eager to get a new Matrix flick ready by 2017 to go up against Star Wars and Avatar.
If this is indeed true, would it try to erase the last two Matrix movies and be a reboot? The mind boggles at what the next movies could be, and whether it’s even worth it to try and apologize for the previous sequels. The first movie is now fifteen years old. Will audiences even care by the time it’s ready? Who knows, and we’ll see if any of this comes to pass.