A lot of movie stars make the cover of Vanity Fair and are hailed as the next big thing, and a lot of them disappear off the face of the earth shortly thereafter. You figured that’s what would happen with Matthew McConaughey, but he’s currently Hollywood’s latest comeback kid, and he could win an Oscar for The Dallas Buyers Club. Next up will be Interstellar, and there’s high hopes for it.
This is Christopher Nolan’s follow up to The Dark Knight Rises, so many of us will be looking to see if his winning streak will continue as well. It’s a sci-fi film about wormholes, and that’s about all we know right now, but we’re very excited to see what Nolan can do with the genre.

Nolan liked McConaughey’s performance in Mud, and the two had a general meeting where thy talked about a lot of stuff for two and a half hours except Interstellar. As McConaughey told Variety, “It’s the most ambitious thing he’s ever done, and he’s done some ambitious stuff.”
Like The Dark Knight Rises, which was shot, edited, and ready to go two months before release, Interstellar also finished up early, which is a rarity in today’s Hollywood where movies constantly go over budget and over schedule.
McConaughey called Nolan “a great problem solver. In that way, he’s very indie. Here’s a guy who could have whatever budget he wants – and we finished shooting early.”
Who knows how long the movie could be in post for the FX, but we’re definitely looking forward to Interstellar when it hits theaters November 7.