While I’m not a big fan of Katy Perry, I don’t hate her but her music doesn’t do anything for me, this is an interesting milestone in technology: She has fifty million followers on Twitter, which is now officially a record.
Frankly, I’m a bit surprised Perry’s still around, because a lot of pop music goes from trend to trend. (Case in point, we just saw Lady Gaga’s career take a major nosedive from some pretty lofty heights.) If this is any indication, Perry still has a lot of fans, although her last album did disappointing sales. (At the same time, this is to be expected in today’s music business, or what’s left of it.)

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Justin Bieber was the most followed person on Twitter before Perry, and she passed him up last November. The previous record holder before her was the aforementioned Lady Gaga, who was the queen of Twitter for two years.
Perry herself responded, via Twitter of course, “Oh yah AND we grew to 50 million Katycats! Eh, regular day at the office.” Justin Bieber is now officially at #2, Barack Obama is at #3 with 41.2 million, Lady Gag is at #4 with a little over 41 million, YouTube is at 36 million, then it’s Taylor Swift with 38 million, Britney Spears at 35 million, Rihana at 33 million, Instagram with 30.5 million, and Justin Timberlake with 30.3 million.