Uncharted is the PlayStation game that focuses on Nathan Drake, a heroic treasure hunter. Treasure hunters have often been big box office, Raiders of the Lost Ark comes to mind, and now Uncharted is one of many big video game titles that’s up for the big screen treatment.
According to its wiki page, the Uncharted game series has sold 17 million copies world-wide, so it’s obvious why this is up to be made into a movie. And again, a big high adventure movie like this could be this generation’s Raiders in the right hands.

Uncharted is set up at Sony, and several big directors, including David O’ Russell (American Hustle), and Neil Burger (Divergent) were both up to helm this one, and now Seth Gordon (Horrible Bosses, Identity Thief) is in the director’s seat. This is somewhat of an odd choice because you wonder if they’re going to try and make it comedic, or if Gordon wants to try making a big summer action blockbuster. (Then again, Gordon also gave us King of Kong, so he’s got crucial geek cred as well.)
The Wrap tells us that once a final script is nailed down, the powers that be will hopefully be moving forward on production this year. We’re seeing a lot of video game movies moving forward, and we think it could be the next big trend in movies, much like superhero movies, if the directors can finally get this much maligned genre right.