We at TGD are not totally sold on Need For Speed, but we’re going to be watching the movie’s progress because it’s a major video game adaptation, and we’re wondering if there will ever be a good video game movie down the road. We’re not sure Need For Speed is going to be it, but if the movie’s alright, it could be a start.
From what we’ve seen so far, it looks like another Fast and Furious take off, and we think there’s enough of those out there, we certainly don’t need another. A lot of us probably don’t need another movie converted to 3D either, but it is indeed getting a 3D conversion right before its release.

At least one major geek site has expressed disappointment with this development, because if a 3D conversion isn’t done right, it can turn out horrible. (Remember Clash of the Titans?) And there’s not much time to get this one done, because Need For Speed is coming on March 14.
We’re curious as to what’s behind this last minute decision. Did the studio lose confidence in the movie? Are they hoping for a bigger audience overseas? We’re not sure whether we should take this as a sign of trouble or not, but again, if Need For Speed doesn’t turn out well, we don’t think it’s going to hurt any future game movie’s success. In fact, we’re willing to bet that if any game movie has a shot at reinventing the genre, we think the chances with World of Warcraft are pretty good.