Game of Thrones is heading back to cable on April 6, and the show’s sure to be a ratings bonanza when it returns. It’s also going to steer clear of the return of The Walking Dead, which is coming on February 9. (It would be highly foolish for both shows to go head to head in the ratings.)
While the usual gang of medieval characters are back, there’s several new characters who are coming to Thrones as well, like Oberyn Martell, who goes under the name The Red Viper. Additionally there’s a female villain named Ellaria Sand. There’s also a new actor playing Daario Naharis, Michiel Huisman.

While there’s not much to report right now, a lot has been made of the preview photos that HBO leaked to the net, with a lot of fans of the show salivating at what could coming next. A lot of journalists have been trying to speculate what the pictures mean, and you can probably figure a few things out if you’re familiar with the books, but you know HBO’s not going to let any spoilers get loose. (The Hollywood Reporter wrote that looking over the pictures there’s “plenty of pensive faces,” but that’s to be expected.)
So we’ve got zombies around the corner with Walking Dead, and Game of Thrones practically around the corner, and we’re hoping the quality of both shows will still be at their usually high standards.