Sharknado was one of the funniest pop culture hiccups of 2013. A silly B movie that in normal cases would have been buried in the horror aisle of Blockbuster, it became one of the biggest jokes on television, and it got monster ratings.
Thanks to everyone making jokes about it on Twitter, Sharknado became a household name, and now a sequel is in the works with the original stars, Ian Ziering and Tara Reid, coming back for more.

As the Hollywood Reporter tells us, the next installment will be called Sharknado: The Second One, and it will premiere on the SyFy network in July.
As someone who loves B movies, it was cool to see Sharknado have its fifteen minutes of fame, because one of the big points of B movies is to have a good time with them, and not take them too seriously. Sharknado is the kind of movie that’s definitely in on its own joke, and while it may not get another fifteen minutes of fame, it should provide a lot more hilarity the next time around.
As a source close to the production said, “Can lightning strike twice? I don’t know, but it’s a scientific fact that you’re more likely to be killed by lightning than by a shark. This film will have lightning and sharks, so that’s got to count for something.”