According to Twitch.TV, its service is causing people to turn off television in favor of video game playing, and to be more precise, the watching of people playing video games.
You can find a giant report from Twitch.TV here. It’s from the company’s own research so, it is highly favorable to Twitch and reads like a very well thought out media kit to give to advertisers, but it does make you think about what the heck is going on in the world of online entertainment.

According to Twitch’s report, about 58% of its users spend more than 20 hours a week watching its streams. Nearly four fifths of the demographic is between 18-49 and they really don’t like traditional media. It all makes sense.

It makes even more sense when you consider that one of the stars of the site, who fails to get enough props in our opinion, is the beauteous Nicola Slaw.
Twitch plays up the rise of gaming leagues and competitions, but game gals are the new webcam darlings. It’s probably not something that Twitch wants to overemphasize. That would be dirty, n’est pas?
But, trust us, there’s a lot of people who are wanting to have Slaw on the side with all the trimmings. That was dirty, mais oui?
We don’t care. If our lives are going to be an endless parade of watching other people game, we might as well get something out of it other than, “S*&^! They got me! Whoa! Didn’t see that coming!”