Make fun of Point Break and Keanu Reeves’s stilted performance all you want, but we at TGD have been big fans for years, and have a special place in our hearts for it. Not as much as Bill and Ted of course, but Point Break was one of those movies that developed its following on cable, and it was always a treat to stumble upon it channel surfing.
As you’ve probably guessed by now, Point Break is going to be remade, and Keanu is not coming back for it, although he certainly wants to do a third Bill and Ted. (More on this in a minute.) Reeves told Cinema Blend and the BBC that he wasn’t interested in getting involved with the remake. “Absolutely not,” he said. “It’s not my place.”

Reeves added, “If they can find a way to do it that works out good, then God bless them.” The good news here is Keanu still hasn’t given up on the third Bill and Ted movie, but it’s been hard to get it off the ground. “It’s still in the dream,” Reeves said.
As he also told Giant Freakin Robot, “The script is funny and there’s a story to tell there, [but] it needs to be adapted because right now it would cost, you know, $400 million to make. There’s a rift in the universe and there’s all sorts of creatures. [CGI] ain’t cheap!”
C’mon, Keanu, where’s there’s a Bill and Ted, there’s a way…