There’s been so much in the news lately about Batman Vs Superman, and comic fans are bracing themselves for what could be a huge disaster. We’re definitely keeping our minds open on this one, but there’s already quite a few warning signs that should not be ignored, especially the Bat-casting of Ben Affleck.
While a lot of people weren’t thrilled with Man of Steel, it at least had Michael Shannon, one of the best actors around right now, playing General Zod. Another promising villain may be Joaquin Phoenix, who rumor has it is up to play Lex Luthor in B V S. As Variety tells us, it’s very early in the process, and it’s not clear if Phoenix is even interested in taking the role or not, but he is reportedly in the running to play Superman’s arch nemesis. (The fans would love Bryan Cranston to play Lex, and with Breaking Bad finally done he’s definitely free if the powers that be want to cast him.)

Phoenix is a terrific actor, and it could be a lot of fun to see him do a scenery chewing turn as a villain. He’s got a lot to live up to, because Gene Hackman really tore it up in the 1978 version, much like Terence Stamp was one of the best comic villains as Zod in parts I and II.
Every great superhero story needs a great villain, and while we’ve seen certainly Lex Luthor before, more than a few times now, we wonder if Phoenix could reinvent Lex in a great new way. We’re not sure, and a great villain alone won’t make a great movie, but in this case it’s certainly a step in the right direction.