With its upcoming sequels, Avatar has the potential to become the biggest sci-fi franchise since Star Wars. There will be three more Avatar films, and now the next installment has a potential starting time.
It’s been estimated that the next Avatar movie will be in theaters 2016, which means it will come out after the JJ Abrams resurrection of Star Wars and Avengers 2. Now Variety tells us the next Avatar could go into production October 2014.

The news comes from Avatar’s leading man, Sam Worthington, who said in a radio interview that the next movie could get rolling a year from now. Worthington added that the script is done, and other writers were brought on to polish it up.

Like Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and the Back to the Future sequels, all three Avatar movies will be shot at the same time. “We are going to start this time next yer and we will do two, three and four,” Worthington said. “In one shot, we’ll do them simultaneously. I’ll be grateful if it finishes. I think Jim is building the ship to Pandora, to be honest.”
With Avatar, Cameron really raised the bar for FX, 3D and technology. We’re not sure how he’s going to top it, but we can’t wait to see him pull it off.